Ways we can kill it together

I work with directly with brands and for design and creative agencies of any size. As well as killer brand manifestos, you can engage me for concept and development, advertising and campaign creative, web copy roll out, brand mission vision and values, tone of voice development, and creative strategy workshops. AND MANY MORE BESIDES.

But the best work begins with a killer manifesto. Three of the most successful ways I work with clients are here >>>.

Contact me for a killer manifesto.

  • An emotive, memorable story that connects the why to the how to the what to the who and not only tells investors or consumers who you are but gives them a big vision to buy into.

    Typical process:

    You get in touch, we chat. I share a discovery questionnaire, you fill it in. We work out where your budget is at, what the most crucial elements you need are, what you have already, and how best to fill in the gaps between them.

  • Don Draper moments for the Zoom presentation, take-it-away-and-share-it-with-the-group era. Imagination-capturing manifestos that articulate the full breadth and potential of a creative route.

    Typical process:

    You call me. You may or may not have creative routes in place. We chat and I go away and either develop ideas, or supply the manifestos for your desired routes while your house creatives get on with cracking great executions. I can help with executions as well.

  • I’m based on the West Coast of the USA. So, if you’re in Dubai, London, New York, Chicago or anywhere East of me (which is pretty much anywhere) and you find yourself in a last minute pickle that only a killer manifesto can get you out of, chances are I’ve got time left to help save the day before you get up the next morning.

    Typical process:

    You call me needing a killer manifesto for tomorrow. I deliver it. You sleep easy, I put the coffee on and congratulate myself for another great pun.